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Showing posts from March, 2021

Banach Contraction Principle

Banach Contraction Principle Let (X,d) be a complete metric space, then each contraction map f : X → X has a unique fixed point. Let h be a contraction constant of the mapping f . We will explicitly construct a sequence converging to the fixed point. Let x0 be an arbitrary but fixed element in X. Define a sequence of iterates {xn} in X by xn = f(xn−1) (= f n(x0)), for all n ≥ 1. Since f is a contraction, we have d(xn, xn+1) = d(f(xn−1), f(xn)) ≤ hd(xn−1, xn), for any n ≥ 1. Thus, we obtain d(xn, xn+1) ≤ hnd(x0, x1), for all n ≥ 1. Hence, for any m > n, we have d(xn, xm) ≤  hn +hn+1 +···+hm−1 d(x0, x1) ≤ hn 1−h d(x0, x1). We deduce that {xn} is Cauchy sequence in a complete space X. Let xn → p ∈ X. Now using the  continuity of the map f , we get p = lim n→∞ xn = lim n→∞ f(xn−1) = f(p). Finally, to show f has at most one fixed point in X, let p and q be fixed points of f . Then, d(p,q) = d(f(p), f(q)) ≤ hd(p,q). Since h < 1, we must have p = q The proof of the BCP yields the ...


 SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION A body is said to be vibrating if it moves back and forth or to and fro about a point. Another term for vibration is oscillation. A special kind of vibratory or oscillatory motion is called the simple harmonic motion A spider detects its prey due to vibration produced in the web. MOTION OF MASS ATTACHED TO A SPRING One of the simplest types of oscillatory motion is that of horizontal mass-spring system . If the spring is stretched or compressed through a small displacement x from its mean position, it exerts a force F on the mass. According to Hooke’s law this force is directly proportional to the change in length x of the spring.                                                      F = - k x where x is the displacement of the mass from its mean position O, and k is a constant called the spring constant defined as ...


THERMAL PROPERTIES OF METER  The crocus flower is a natural thermometer. It opens when the temperature is precisely 23 degree centigrade and closes when the temperature drops. Liquid in Glass Thermometer Construction: A liquid in glass thermometer has a bulb whit a log capillary tube of uniform and fine bore. PRINCIPLE      Liquid in glass thermometer is made on he principle of expansion of heating.       A suitable liquid is filed in the bulb. When  we touch the bulb with a hot body, the liquid in it expands and rises in the tube. the glass stem of a thermometer is thick and acts as a cylindrical lens. This makes it easy to see the liquid lever in the glass tube. THE MERCURY IN GLASS THERMOMETERS\ Mercury freezes at -39 degree centigrade and boils at 357 degree centigrade. Mercury has all the thermometer properties. So mercury is one of the most suitable thermometer materials. Murcury in glass thermometer are widely used in laboratories, clinic a...